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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tips for Traveling with Kids

My family tends to travel at least once every year.  We have a timeshare in Mexico so that is typically our destination of choice.  Over the years of traveling, we've definitely learned some things!  We've traveled by air and car--we have yet to take the boys on a cruise, but it's definitely something we'd like to do with them.  The biggest thing when traveling with kids is keeping them occupied.  As any mom knows, sometimes that is difficult.  We plan several different activities for our plane/car rides and sometimes we use them all and other times one or two are plenty.  Here are a list of things that we have listed on our website for those who use our Royal Elite Rentals timeshare at Sandos Resorts:

Travel Tips:
  • Layovers—If you have a long flight, it’s nice to have a longer layover.  We try to get at least a 1.5 hour layover when we travel far.  During the layover, we let the kids walk around the entire time.  It helps them to burn off some of their energy!
  • Carry-on luggage—try to only have your stroller (which gets gate checked for free on most airlines) and a carry-on bag.  For a trip with little ones, checking bags is just easier.  For international flights, United and American Airlines (for sure) offer one free checked bag per person. Do include swimsuits and at least a change of clothes for everyone in case your luggage would get lost—a swimsuit is really the only necessity when traveling to a beautiful resort in Mexico :)
  • Packing—if you’re taking 3 bags, have some clothing of everyone’s in each back.  We’ve all heard the horror stories of luggage being lost so plan ahead! 
  • Stroller--if you have kids, don't forget a stroller!  It gets gate checked for free and it makes it nice to wheel around even if the kids aren't in it.  You can always throw your carry on bag inside if the kids are walking.
What to Bring:
  • Passports—obviously you can’t forget these—especially when you’re going somewhere out of the states!
  • Diaper bag—don’t forget to have all of the diaper bag necessities readily available in your carry on (personal bag).  Wipes, hand sanitizer, diapers, change of clothes, bags for dirty diapers, etc.
  • Toys—Bring some new toys or toys that they haven’t seen in a while.  Keep them in your carry-on bag for quick access.  These are also nice to have in the hotel room.  We typically bring some action figures, crayons, markers, coloring books, stamps (my son was 2 when we went to Mexico the first time and we bought these cheap Cars stamps at the Dollar store that he LOVED!), play-doh, etc. 
  • Small Blanket—the plane gets cold so it’s nice to have for them to cover up with or to just hold on to for security.
  • Special Blanket/stuffed animal—If you child has a special blanket or stuffed animal that he/she sleeps with, bring it!  It’ll make their plane ride and bedtime a little smoother having something they are used to. Just make sure you hold on to it in the airport—we ended up losing ours on the way home on one of our trips!
  • Binky—if your kid takes a binky, don’t forget it.  This can help for take-off and landing on the plane too.
  • Bottle/Sippy Cup—Don’t forget a cup for them to use, both at the resort and on the plane.
  • Variety of snacks—we take snacks to have in the room and on the plane.  Snacks are available in the resort, but it’s nice to have those snacks that they’re just used to.  We bring fruit snacks, goldfish, Rice Krispy treats, etc.
  • Tablet or Laptop with movies and/or games on them—if you have either of these, they are great for the plane and the hotel room.  Sometimes things are in Spanish so it’s nice to have for the kids when they are winding down or to break up the plane ride.  It’s extremely helpful for long plane rides.  Mexico, for us, is about 4 hours, plus a layover.  Travel day is a crazy day, but if you have different things to occupy them with, it helps!  If they aren’t usually allowed to play with these things, get a durable case and allow them to play—it really does make traveling easier!
  • Kool-aid Sugar Free Packets—My kids are juice lovers so instead of worrying about having juice in the room or buying it at the airport, I typically bring juice packets.  They pack well and you can take them through security.  You can pretty much always find water (and the resort provides you with bottled water) so we just put some water in their sippy cups and put a small amount of the kool-aid mix in to add some flavor.
  • Sunscreen—with kids a high UV protection is best.  Don’t forget to apply it often—even if it’s waterproof.
  • Biodegradable Sunscreen—in Mexico, there are deep natural pits called cenotes.  Sandos Caracol has these at the resort, but you can’t have regular sunscreen on when you go in them.  It’s cheaper to purchase it here in the states than buying it in the resort shops.
  • Hats—this is a must have with kids.  The sun (especially in Mexico) is extremely hot!  You’ll want to make sure you don’t forget at least one, but I’d take a couple because they get wet in the water so it’s nice to have a back-up.
  • Swim Shirts—I love the UV swim shirts (rash guards).  I have two boys so these shirts help us not have to put sunscreen on their tummy and back.  They work incredibly well.  If you are looking to purchase them, check out Gabriel Brothers (if you have one around you).  I have found them for $2.99, which is a lot cheaper than even Target or Walmart.
  • Sunglasses—Even if your kids don’t wear them, take them.  Our son did not like them at all, but quickly realized that they really help!  He wore them for the entire trip!
  • Sand Toys—If you have room in your suitcase, bring a couple sand buckets and shovels.  They are available in the resort shop, but they are way more than $1! Even if you take them with you on the way there and just leave them there.  It’s still cheaper to buy them in the states.
  • Water toys—take a few beach balls, floaties (if you need them), rafts, etc.  You can get these at the Dollar store too and they’re flat so they don’t take up much space in your luggage.
  • Water shoes—if your kids like playing in the ocean, water shoes are nice.  Sandos Caracol has a rocky beach so water shoes would provide extra comfort.
  • Over the Shoulder bag/fanny pack/cinch sac—moms know that you’re always carrying something for your kids so don’t forget to take some sort of bag that’s small enough to be comfortable, but big enough to hold your camera, some snacks and juice cups.
  • Camera—obviously you can’t forget your camera!  You’ll want to snap tons of photos—especially with the crystal clear blue water in the background :)  With that being said, don’t forget the things that go along with a camera (batteries, SD card, charger, etc).  If you are looking for good batteries that last a long time, spend the extra money and get the Energizer Lithium batteries—they seriously last forever! 
  • Bug Spray—Sandos Caracol is an Eco Resort so it’s in the middle of a “jungle.”  Bug spray may be needed during the evenings when you are in this section of the resort.
  • Light jacket—the plane gets cold and even some evenings at the resort get chilly so don’t forget a light jacket/sweatshirt (for the kids and for you).

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