Top-Rated Recipes

If you want recipes that are sure to be a hit, look no further! The recipes on this site are ones that I have made again and again for my family.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Loose Meat Sandwiches

I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner one night and my husband told me about these "Loose Meat Sandwiches" his grandma used to make him when he was growing up.  They are super easy and yummy too!  We don't know exactly how Gram made them so we did the best we could and I think ours taste pretty good.  Here's the recipe:

Loose Meat Sandwiches:

1 pound ground beef
1 small onion
3 cloves of garlic (pressed)
Montreal Steak Seasoning
American Cheese

Brown the ground beef with the onions, garlic and steak seasoning.  Once your meat is cooked, drain it and set aside. Butter one side of each piece of bread and grill the bread just like you would with grilled cheese.  Once the bread is toasted, put it on a sheet pan with the toasted side down.  Top it with some meat, some ketchup and a slice of cheese; then top it with another slice of toast (toasted side up).  Put the rest of your sandwiches together and put them in the broiler on low for a few minutes to melt the cheese and warm the ketchup.  Be sure to watch the sandwiches because they will toast pretty fast!

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