Top-Rated Recipes

If you want recipes that are sure to be a hit, look no further! The recipes on this site are ones that I have made again and again for my family.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Best Chicken Fajitas (Seriously!)

It's been a while since I posted...I guess life just gets crazy and we forget about this kind of stuff.  Today we heard of an unfortunate tragedy in an elementary school in Connecticut.  It's sad to hear about anyone being hurt, but it's even worse to hear about innocent children being murdered.  It makes me think about my crazy life and realize that it's really not that crazy.  I am incredibly thankful to have my babies cuddling next to me right now and can't even fathom what the parents of those children in Connecticut are going through.  I know that I am holding my kids a little tighter and praying for those victims and their families and I hope you'll take a moment to do the same.

I've made these fajitas several times and I can tell you that the marinade is really good!  The chicken is full of flavor and they are easy to make--it can't get better than that.  Typically when I make these, I will slice my chicken the night before and put it into a zip lock bag with the marinade and they cook the chicken the following day.  The recipe suggests to let it marinade for at least two hours.  As with any recipe the two hours will work, but the longer you let them marinate, the more flavor they'll have.  I found this recipe online on and it had a rating of 4.8 stars.  Here it is:

The Very Best Chicken Fajitas Ever:

1 clove mince garlic
1 1/2 tsp. season salt
1 1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. lime juice (fresh is best)
1 1/2 lbs. sliced chicken

Throw all of that into a zip lock back and let it marinate for at least 2 hours.

When you are ready to cook it, just saute the chicken in olive oil until it's cooked through.

Usually when we make the "fajitas" we basically just have chicken tacos.  We'll usually use lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream and taco sauce on our tortillas.  My husband isn't a fan of peppers and onions so I don't usually make them.  So technically the recipe I use would be "tacos" since we're eliminating the key ingredients of a fajita ;)

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