Top-Rated Recipes

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Monday, October 1, 2012

My First Blog--Apple Cupcakes

Last week, Mikey learned about apples in preschool so it was fitting to have him learn to cook with them too :)  We spent some time at White House Fruit Farms this weekend taking in the beauty of fall!  Mikey loves pumpkins so we had to go play in the pumpkin patch before we got our apples.
We settled on Gala apples, which are one of my favorites--they're sweet and good for baking; Fuji and Honeycrisp are also favorites of ours.
We decided to make this awesome apple cake that I found on one of my favorite cooking sites, Smitten Kitchen (Mom's apple cake).  I've made this cake a few times before and it's always a hit!  Instead of making a cake this time, we decided to make mini-cupcakes that Mikey could take to school to share with his class.  The cake has to back for about 1.5 hours, but the mini cupcakes ended taking about 22 minutes.  We had a good time baking and I'm sure his class will enjoy their treat!

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